Cyqiq website

Web Design
Website design for cyqiq, an Australian consultancy and system integrator with deep expertise across IoT, Smart Cities, and Data Analytics.
Involvement: As a Lead Visual Designer, I was in charge of the Art Direction and User Interface of the site, and I was also involved in all ofthe phases of User Experience Design.


In a common effort between the design and marketing teams we executed:

- Personas
- Interviews
- Comparative analysis

We discovered that:

There was not a clear message or goal that wanted to be transmitted on the website
Many of the users do not have a strong technical Knowledge
The users are more interested on the potential benefits of IoT and Smart Cities services rather than the technical details of it
Many of the users were not aware of all of the services that cyqiq provides


During the iterative process,  there was a strong focus on the benefits of Smart City and IoT technologies. At the same time, there was a great effort to present a clear Information Architecture so all of the services and products could be easily understood


This is the phase where everything came together: the renovated brand, the learned on the research phase and the results of the exploration were applied.
A series of illustrations were created in order to display and explain cyqiq’s different services and products.
Based on the information architecture - born on the Branding Identity project - a custom pictogram-system was designed.